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Sort of mega posting today as its been sometime and tho I had written some I had not had an opportunity (for reasons that become evident upon reading the previously posted entries) to actually bring my laptop to the wireless cafe.
Anyway, Mum is here which is good and she is settled in and enjoying her yoga! We have already got the routine - breakfast, today I made dhosas for the first time, followed by errands then lunch then nap then dinner. Nice!
Got her from the airport on Sunday at 530am, 2 hour drive each way. She was pretty freaked out by the Indian driving I have to say but to her credit she did relax a bit once we got out of Bangalore - which was totally crazy, cows and people all over the road, huge intersections with no one slowing down etc - and also once she saw that Lokesh is actually a good driver. So we were back in good ole Gokulam by 830am.
I had a second round of stomach stuff going on from late Saturday night which was pretty severe in terms of fluid loss - huge - but not uncomfortable. Got on the rehydration salts once back here and felt right within a couple of hours. Got back to practice after a week's hiatus on Monday. That felt really good, and still feels good today.
Where is the wireless internet cafe in Mysore? I couldn't find one when I was looking for one in July this year.
it is at anu's cafe in gokulam. just bring your laptop!
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